Founded in 2008, Ngage Live Chat helps law firms turn their website visitors into pre-qualified contacts with 24/7/365 live chat service. Ngage consistently doubles a law firm’s conversion from website visitor to lead. By connecting law firms to prospective customers through live chat, Ngage offers an opportunity to increase web opportunities and therefore profitability.
Ngage has converted more than 6 million chat visitors on thousands of legal websites and properties. In 2015, Ngage became a member of Martindale-Avvo, the largest legal marketing network, with exposure to 25 million consumers and businesses monthly who visit our websites for legal information. We drive client prospects to attorneys through a combination of real-time lead generation, online legal profiles, live chat, website services, and lead intake and management tools.
Ngage Live Chat will offer Advocate Capital, Inc. clients the following:
First 10 chat leads free of charge.